I, the undersigned:
Certify the above information to be correct.
Hereby offer to lease jointly and severally, from Menke Holdings Ltd.: Property Address: Suite No.: commencing on the Day 1st 15th day of MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember, Year 2023 2024 : with a monthly rent of $, on or before the first day of each month and every month thereafter without any deductions whatsoever. I understand that failure to pay rent upon the first of the month will result in late charges.
Hereby voluntarily make a deposit of $ to be refunded if this application is not accepted and to be retained as a security deposit if my offer is accepted.
When the application is approved and accepted I agree to enter into a rental agreement for the suite.
I authorize the verification of the information provided on this form as to my credit, employment and background. I also authorize and instruct Menke Holdings Ltd. to obtain such credit reports and tenant screening reports from your credit-reporting agency and periodically re-run this check at any time in the future to verify the truth and accuracy of any information given on this application.
I understand that the approval is based on the merits of this application and I am not entitled to a reconsideration of deficiencies based on any other merits than my own information.
I acknowledge this application will become part of the rental agreement when approved. If any information is found to be incorrect, the application will be rejected and any subsequent rental agreement becomes void. False and misleading statements will be sufficient reason for immediate eviction and loss of security deposit.
I, the undersigned, by clicking APPLY NOW agree to the above stated terms. Please enter your full name to signify your digital signature, thereby confirming that you have read and agree with all the above statements.